
At Greater>Than I believe in helping you grow a better portfolio by initiating projects that spark genuine interest. If you’re passionate about what you’re working on, you’ll be invested in its content and aesthetics. My authorship-based approach enables you to control the subject matter and form from concept to completion. This allows you to flex multiple muscles while adding a competitive edge to your book.

Most design agencies exist to serve and so focus exclusively on the specific commercial needs of clients. However, design can, and should extend beyond this. I’m a firm believer that it exists (with equal worth) to tell stories — of YOUR choosing — to create human connection and to provoke thoughtful conversation. At Greater>Than designers determine what is valuable content, and that content can extend from more serious topics to the semi-ridiculous. Here, there’s space for it all. 

Finally, I maintain that authored portfolio pieces are essential in showing a designer’s depth of thought, strategic problem solving capabilities, copy-writing skills, illustration, web, or video prowess, etc. Most of us own more than one hat, and I’ll encourage you to wear them all! Aside from authored projects showing several areas of mastery, they also prove who you are as a designer, which matters. We all have a voice and a unique point of view that deserves to be heard. 

A Real World Process

No matter how practical or fantastical your self authored piece is, at Greater>Than any and all work is achieved by following a real-world model. This structure allows you to work smarter and in a more organized fashion, and you’ll be receiving extensive and personalized critique to better your work every step of the way. Your final creations will be portfolio ready, and you’ll be prepared to present them both visually and verbally.